I survived the 21 Day Cleanse! It was not the easiest three weeks of my life, that's for sure! But you know what? All in all, it wasn't as difficult as I had expected it to be either.
I still don't love all vegetables, but I have a deeper appreciation for the health benefit they provide. I still miss my Cokes immensely, but I've learned that I can make it without them. I've been researching a lot and am finding recipes I can use as they are or make some adjustments in them so they'll be "safe" foods for me. Guess what else? I can cook healthy! I'm learning to read labels on things to find out the better choice for me. Just because "all-natural almond butter" is "organic" doesn't mean it's the best--I should not choose the "no-stir" variety because it has added sugar and oil.
I got bored on the diet, I'll admit. Water and unsweet tea only to drink for 21 days... I'd love to have had a Coke, sweet tea or a vanilla-caramel latte. I loved the Smoothies at first, but drinking them every morning has started to cause some burnout. I got to the point where I just couldn't stand the thought of one more bite of salad with a vinaigrette dressing. The "extras" that Abby allowed me to add in the Cleanse (such as brown rice, lentils, steel-cut oatmeal) sounded like they would give me a reprieve, but they really didn't. I like white rice. I like it fried, I like it in sushi, I like it with butter and cream. But I don't really care for brown rice. I never tried the lentils (they look too much like green peas which are the nastiest food God ever created) and the oatmeal was pretty much like wallpaper paste without butter (which I could have a bit of) and sugar (which I could not have one little smidgen of). The nuts were helpful. The Larabars were a lifesaver! When I felt like I really needed something else, maybe something sweet, maybe a "treat" of some kind, I reached for a Larabar. But not just any flavor... I always chose the ones with five or less ingredients.
Now, for the numbers. At the end of the Cleanse, I am nine pounds lighter than when I started. I'll admit, I was a little disappointed at that number simply because I've always heard that if I were to just quit drinking soda and start drinking water, the weight would just "fall right off". I made a lot more changes in three weeks than just changing what I drink... I ate healthier, I exercised. I know I didn't get fat overnight (or in just three weeks), so I know all the added weight won't come off overnight (or in just three weeks). After I gave it some thought, I'm really proud of those nine pounds. I can tell a big difference in the way my clothes fit! Going to have to start wearing more belts so I can keep my britches up now!
For the more important numbers... I got a glucometer Wednesday and starting tracking my glucose levels on Thursday. As you can tell from the picture below of my log book, my "diabetes" doesn't seem to make an appearance. All my levels, with the exception of last night before bedtime, have been COMPLETELY NORMAL (65-99). I had a snack of fresh fruit after supper last night, so I think that's why it was a little high.
I feel so much better than I did when I started (well, with the exception of the stiffness and soreness from yesterday's workout). I am also sleeping lots better so, naturally, I feel more rested. I'm not taking the naps every day after work like I did before. I don't feel like I'm in a fog most of the time any longer. I swear, I was honestly beginning to worry that I was exhibiting symptoms of some early-onset dementia (or mini-strokes). There were times I couldn't think of the right words, couldn't make cohesive thoughts come out of my mouth, my memory was shot. Now I just know that that "fog" was my diabetes being out of control.
Was the Cleanse worth it? Most definitely! And like Abby, I think I'll try and do it annually, as a reboot for my health... and a reminder to keep eating whole, clean and healthy.
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