Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Abby's Blog Post of 10-22-13... Where Things Began to Go Downhill for Me

I am human. I take things personally. Throughout this journey, there have been highs and there have been lows... for both Abby and me. 

On October 22, 2013, Abby blogged One Proud Moment, Two Not-So-Proud Moments. I was glad she started off the post on a positive note. She mentioned "finding the right fit", referring to yoga. "Finding the right fit" was a bit of foreshadowing. I'll explain more about that in future posts. For now, we're talking about this particular post of Abby's. 

So, we have a proud moment (and photographic evidence) of me doing yoga with Abby. She's absolutely right about my enjoying yoga with Lindsay. She's an awesome teacher... she just flows from movement to movement, not so pose-y, just more fluid, relaxed, "let your body hang out here" kind of teacher. She's patient and encouraging. So yes, I absolutely agree with Abby.

Now, on to the Not-So-Proud moments...

#1: Abby got on her soap box (her words) about my missing a SGPT class. She had every right to be honest about and share her feelings (I was allowed the same). She did offer the program to me at no charge. I was asked to please keep that information to myself, so I was surprised to see her blog about that aspect of it, but I understand she was trying to make a point. And I think she was trying to make sure everyone knew what all she was giving me in order to make me look bad for not taking complete, full advantage of every moment possible with Abby.

I don't remember the exact details of why I didn't go to SGPT, but I do remember telling my friend Lynn, who was also in the class, that I wasn't going. I know it's not up to Lynn to relay my message to Abby, but I did think it might come up about me not being there. I was going to text Abby after I hung up with Lynn, but my phone died. By the time it had charged enough for me to text or call her, class was already over, and, obviously, too late to tell her I wouldn't be there. 

Something I don't understand and I think this is where the rub started; Abby said that she's the type of trainer who plans sessions and classes based on who will be there. To a certain extent, I can completely understand that. I've been to 25+ SGPT classes and not once has there ever been a workout that was the same as one we'd done before. She's great like that; always changing things up. But really, I messed up the ENTIRE workout that night because I was absent? Since that class, there have been several other classes that people missed, but I certainly didn't feel like my training was ruined for the evening because of their absence.

She felt like I had taken advantage of her because I missed a workout. Really? That just hit me wrong and I felt like she was being very dramatic about the whole thing. I can't help how she felt about it, but there are times in our lives that people disappoint us. It just happens. Get over it.

OK, so, as Abby said in her blog post, sometimes she doesn't feel like going to a workout, but she pulls herself up, puts on a smile and goes to work out. Well, Abby, that's you, it's not me. Fitness is your LIFE. Fitness is your JOB. Fitness is your PASSION. It's NOT mine. I've been "forced" into these changes by my health (brought on, in part, by my own careless decisions, but some from plain ole heredity). I'm 43 years old and I am resistant to the changes I'm having to make. I don't LOVE my new nutrition choices. I don't LOVE drinking water. I don't LOVE working out. I don't LOVE running.

My LIFE (my children), my JOB (my church) and my PASSION (people) are things I DO pull up my bootstraps for. I really needed Abby to understand then, and now, that we are different people on different paths who have different focuses. I was doing the best I could at that time. I was looking for excuses to be mad, to be angry, to be resistant. And, in this blog post, she gave them to me.

#2: So Abby was "pissed off" that I wasn't at a workout that she had not scheduled or organized? I had told Brandy on FB that I was going to try to join her (and others) at the Riverwalk, but, honestly, after work, I just wasn't up to it. Technically, that empty place wasn't where I was "supposed" to be, but where I "could have" been. I just wasn't. I felt like Abby was using my peers to bully me into feeling like a failure. 

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