In regard to my A1C and glucose, I am still diabetic and always will be. She said she was "very, very proud" of me for controlling my diabetes with diet and exercise as I have so far. If my A1C gets to 7.0 or higher, we will be looking at trying medication (Metformin), but for now, she's satisfied that I have my diabetes under control.
I guess I must be doing something right because my Triglycerides and Hdl ("Good Cholesterol") are improved and both in the normal range.
However, my Total Cholesterol and Ldl ("Bad Cholesterol") are cause for concern. My mother has taken at least two different Rx for high cholesterol at any given time for the last several years (possibly 20-25+). My dad also has high cholesterol issues which he is treating currently with fish oil. High cholesterol many times is hereditary; that's what Stephanie thinks is my issue, so we are going to try treating it with simvastatin (Zocor) for 3 months. Then, we'll have to have more lab work, of course.
My mother had quadruple by-pass surgery at the age of 47. I'll be 44 in less than two weeks. She had 99% blockage in 1 artery, 98% blockage in 1 artery and 95% blockage in 3 arteries. They were only able to by-pass 4 at that time, and the following year, she had balloon surgery on 3 arteries. Obviously, plaque build-up is a concern of mine, hence the simvastatin trial. I'm only going to be on 10 mg once a day, which is a very small dose.
Hopefully, I'll get my ass in gear and do better with both diet and exercise, the new Rx will help and in three months I'll be med-free again.
I'm just really conflicted about taking the medicine; I want to be whole, clean and healthy and do it without chemicals. I feel like a failure, and I'm trying not to beat myself up. I have a really strong will, but I guess, as Abby has said, food/sugar is my addiction and it plays a pivotal role in my well-being.
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