Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mimi's Cooking

All my life, I have thought that my Mimi was the best cook and baker in the world. If you've ever eaten her cooking or baking, you probably agree. And if you don't, well, you should.

I grew up watching Mimi cook and bake; it was just one way she showed her love for her family. As a kid, if I were to ever take treats to school, Mimi made them. I didn't take store-bought stuff, I didn't take bakery stuff, I took Mimi stuff. Even if I called just the night before needing something for the next day. And she always came through, without fail. Keep in mind she worked full-time and always brought work home from the court house to finish at home. She went to bed LATE and got up EARLY. But she always found time to cook and bake for us. She was known then (and now) especially for her cookies. Whether they were Strawberry or Chocolate Thumbprints, Nut Butter Balls, Angel Cookies or simple Peanut Butter (my Grandpa's favorite) or Chocolate Chip Cookies, they were delicious. And each one was always perfect. They always looked so pretty in the boxes, inside the plastic bags to keep them fresher. Each one the same size, shape and color as the one next to it. Her Truly Different Cupcakes were among my friends' favorites. To this day, there are still some of my Girl Scout friends from decades ago who talk about them! Texas Cake, Strawberry Cake, Hummingbird Cake... all fabulous! Her pies... Fudge, Coconut, Coconut Chess... oh my gosh--and the homemade pie crust, always perfect, of course! And... the pièce de résistance... Chocolate Rolls. Remember that fried chocolate butter from the fair? Mimi's chocolate rolls are only 100 times better!

Enough about the baking, I'm craving sweet right now, can you tell??

Mimi's food was and is comfort food. She can make damn near anything and it's always good. As she's gotten older, it's gotten a bit saltier, but it's still delicious. When I was in Kennett this last time, Mimi cooked Sunday lunch before I left. She forgot to tell anyone she was cooking, so we almost missed out on filling our tummies at Mimi's table. Luckily, she remembered and made the necessary phone calls (as if I'd ever leave town without going to see my Mimi anyway!).

On Mimi's table this particular meal were fried chicken tenders (she started doing tenders a few years ago, probably about the time my kids were starting to eat table food; before, it had always been chicken pieces and legs were my favorite), mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and squash casserole. The chicken was juicy and tender (sometimes very hard to do when frying chicken tenderloins at home). The corn was some that she had put in the freezer last summer. Mimi has always put up fruit and veggies in the freezer so we can have our favorites all year long. Grandpa had a garden every year except the last couple before he died... she'd put up peaches, strawberries, purple hull peas, okra, green beans, corn, squash. Thank goodness I learned how, too, so I can take advantage of the Farmer's Market since I don't garden myself. The squash casserole is one of my favorite things to make and to eat. It has so many flavors in it... yellow squash, onion, sour cream, shredded carrots, Stove Top stuffing mix, Cream of Chicken soup, pimientos. I used to think that particular dish was "healthy" because of the vegetables in it. Now, I look at it so much differently now! It's STILL delicious, though! :)  

Mimi is 87 years old. I know how blessed and fortunate I am to just still have her in my life. But to still be able to sit down at her table and eat... well, that's gravy, so to speak.

In an earlier blog, I talked about how mashed potatoes have always been my very favorite food, Mimi's especially. And I hate to say it, but I think they are no longer my favorite... and I could just about do without them. I think I'm beginning to... gasp... LIKE clean, healthy food!