Friday, June 28, 2013

It Just Got Real!

I've seen it coming. I've not been in denial. Each year, the numbers have slowly gotten worse. Each year, I've been told to change my diet, to start exercising, to drink more water (SOME water would be more accurate, actually). And each year, I've reluctantly agreed that I knew I needed to do those things, but stubbornly refused. I really wasn't going to change anything until I had absolutely HAD to.

Well, now I have to.

Last Friday, I went to see my OB/GYN for my annual exam. As part of the Healthy You benefit of my insurance plan, I also had some lab work done on Monday.  I got the results on Wednesday; my entire lipid panel was all jacked up and my fasting glucose was 157, or what my OB/GYN, Alison, referred to as "pretty elevated". 

Alison suggested that I consult my primary care physician, so I did that very afternoon. Yes, I'm overweight. It's true that I don't eat completely healthily (yes, I realize that's a made up word; it's my blog, I can do that); but I don't sit around eating all fried and fatty foods either. I don't drink water, I don't like the way it tastes. Yes, it tastes. Yuk. And "exercise" is ... well, it's just not fun. I like fun. Bottom line, I have to start making some changes with my diet and exercise. OK. I have to start drinking water. OK. I get it.

I had more lab work done yesterday morning to confirm, but I was looking at a diagnosis of Type II Diabetes. 

I posted on Facebook about the day's events. My friend, Abby Malmstrom, commented that I WOULD be seeing her before I started on any drugs. I had taken two boot camp classes of Abby's back in February and really liked her. I felt a good, comfortable fit with her (although I wasn't so crazy about the whole boot camp thing). However, changes were needed and I felt like Abby would be a great person to make those changes with, so I consulted her.

Abby told me of a pilot program that she had been on the verge of launching. She told me that I was the exact candidate. She also told me some of the requirements, conditions and details of the program. I was nearly in tears. This is EXACTLY what I was going to need in order to make the changes I needed to make. I very excitedly told her that I was definitely interested.

Abby and I met this morning to start planning our six month journey. She gave me some paperwork to complete (and even read each and every item on the "contract"... OUT LOUD to me. This is a HUGE commitment, for both of us, and we have pledged our commitment and dedication to one another, so I was happy to initial every item. We scheduled our first month and discussed nutrition. I was going to begin a food log for 3-4 days so that Abby could see my strengths and weaknesses when it came to food. After our initial meeting, we decided to go to a yoga class over at the Mississippi Modern Homestead Center in Starkville. I actually had already put in on my calendar because I really wanted to try it out. Abby was going already anyway, so I rode with her.

On the way over, I got THE call. The one with my lab results from yesterday. The one where my PCP told me I needed to start Metformin. The one where she told me I was diabetic. My fasting glucose was 192 (normal is 65-99); my A1C was 8.1 (normal is 5.3 or below).

It just got real!

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