Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween SGPT

Last Monday night was our last Small Group Personal Training Class for that particular session. I've grown to really enjoy our SGPT classes. As I've said before, it's always something different with Abby; never the same workout twice. And we always leave exhausted and dripping in sweat. 

Each session there are new faces who join some of us who have been around a while (and still need every class). Although I've made much improvement, I know I still have a super long way to go before I ever begin to look "natural" working out!

With our last SGPT being the week of Halloween, Abby told us that we all had to dress up. Y'all may not realize, but I just don't like Halloween. I don't like dressing up. I'm not sure where it all stems from, but I could venture some lines of reasoning: first of all, I hate scary stuff, I hate to be scared, I'm terrified of horror movies (and even really suspenseful ones). I won't look out windows at night for fear of seeing who may be looking in... with really freaky eyes. As a kid, I always had sucky costumes. One year, I was a mummy, meaning I was wrapped totally in toilet paper. I felt like such a dork. Another year, my mother dressed me in a M*A*S*H* 4077th sweatshirt, gave me a surgical mask and called it done. What? Our "neighborhood" growing up consisted of four houses besides ours; not ideal for Trick or Treating. Then, we'd get to climb in the car and go "up town" to visit a small handful of houses of our "special" friends/teachers, etc. I've never been a big candy eater, so that really wasn't a draw either. Halloween is definitely my LEAST favorite of all the holidays.

But... I agreed to dress up. Brandy and I had talked about how funny it would be to print out one of Abby's fortune cookies and pin it on our shirts and then bark out an "Abby-ism". For Brandy, it would have been "Quit looking at your watch." For me, "Stay on those heels, you need to be able to wiggle those toes." As we talked, our idea got bigger and Brandy thought we should have a little spin-off of "Thing 1 and Thing 2", so she came up with "Abby 1, Abby 2, etc." signs for everyone in the class to wear. With black yoga pants, a brightly colored tank, a cap, and a watch, we were good to go! 

We all met in the parking lot so we could pin our Abby signs on and all walk in together. We were on the verge of being late to class because of this; Kim had a panicked look on her face and told us we better hurry up and not be late because she's scared of Abby! LOL

The joke panned out beautifully... when we finally made it in, Abby was dressed as "The Biggest Loser"... our roles had been reversed!

The Abbys made The Biggest Loser Side Plank!

As soon as the pictures were taken, of course, Abby had us blowing and going. No getting out of a workout just because we were dressed up as the boss. She had planned a scavenger hunt-type workout; we were all over the Y. In the gym for Medicine-Ball Rolldowns, Bicep Curls/Tricep Extensions, Burpees and other stuff; Walking Lunges around the track; running the stairs; Ellipticals, Treadmills. We worked in pairs and with nearly every "challenge", we had a bonus challenge--to better Abby's score/total.

Medicine Ball Rolldowns
Trading Places... Now I was the boss!! :)
Melynie and I had our work cut out for us. I might have wanted to cheat a little. And I might have actually cheated a little on the lunges. Just keeping it real for you, my faithful readers. Here's Melynie and I during some of our workout.
Bicep Curls/Tricep Extensions

We enjoyed another wonderful night of working out with Abby and were sad to see this session come to an end. With the completion of this session, some of us felt like there should be a celebration as well. And, it just so happened that Wendy's had re-opened that day after being closed for several weeks for remodeling. Brandy, Erin and I decided we should support their grand re-opening; we had worked out really hard, so we deserved it, right?
Was all this crap food worth it?
I had a junior bacon cheeseburger, a bacon and cheese baked potato, a Coke and a Frosty. Yes, I admitted it. Some of you think I'm a fool for admitting here, in front of my trainer, the crap I put in my mouth. I'm just being honest. And, it helps me look back and remember why I'm at a plateau with my weight loss (or, if I gained back a pound or two...).

So, was it worth it? No. It really wasn't. I've never been a huge Wendy's fan anyway. It was OK while I was eating it. It was kind of weird, though... as much as the building had changed, the food was still the same ole crap. Disappointing, to say the least. And that night... my belly was all cramped up from eating it. Regrets? For the food, yes. For the company, no!